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The English, who have always been pasionate about equestrianism, immediately understand the potential of this saddle.
Opinions of some riders
From: www.total-contact.co.uk
This is the saddle of the future
(Albert Voorm, Silver Medalist Sydney 2000)
It's weird that it doesn't feel weird
(C. R. Worcstershire)
The difference is like driving a car with power steering and one without: it's so easy and effortless
(A. H. Gloucestershire)
Our independant riders say they are really pleased to be able to concentrate on their position and riding skills without regular interruptions to adjust our (original) tack
(New Yat RDA, Whitney)
The demonstration was both interesting and thought provoking... We were very interested by the concept that your product offered
(The training committee of The Pony Club, UK)
My horse naps much less with a TC saddle and doesn't suffer anymore from a bad back the next day
(D.M. Warwickshire)