» Stages
What are they?
Federal Instructor Mario Prisco introduces the Total Contact riding method.
Stages are for all riders who do both competitive and non competitive riding.
During these 3-day-stages and 5-days-stages, you will learn theory and how to practice it with your own horse at your Riding Center.
After the stage you can ask Mario Prisco to accompany you in competition.
Program and Stage objectives
5 day stage program
(3 day stages follow the same program, but involve full immersion)
Creating equilibrium on legs, connected to horse's mouth.
Creating impulse in this position.
Using glance to introduce simple body schemes
Recognizing regularity in your canter
Using equilibrium to determine direction changes and introducing more complex body schemes through glance.
Obtaining more awareness while in the air.
Improving the approach to the jump with a clear understanding of impulse, pushing to obtain it and controlling the inertia.
Arriving relaxed in souplesse at the right time.
Where are they?
Residential Stages
Take place over 3 or 5 days at the Riding Center, Centro ippico dell'Agnese, near Mazzano Romano (Strada Meterano 9) - F.I.S.E. member - directed and operated
by Mario Prisco, Federal Instructor.
Stages held in all other centers
These stages also take place over 3 or 5 days.
In Italy or abroad?
Wherever you want!
You can contact us to organize these stages in your Riding Center and we will directly test the quality of our system and the new special saddle on your own horse.
You will immediatly notice how your horse will feel better in feeling closer to you.
They will be pleased and will work much better.
Please contact Mario Prisco:
+39 3807224377
or send him an email